Friday Reads
So this is the second ˝Friday Reads˝ on this blog. I honestly don´t know who started this but I like the idea so I thought to myself ˝Why not? ˝ . I will post Friday Reads every ( wait for it!!) Friday and here I will be talking about what I read that week and what I will be reading for the weekend. And that´s about it for the introduction so let´s start.

I have to say thank you to John Green for writing such amazing books. I love his writing style. He can definitely keep you focused on the plot and on the characters, and he does it so easily.
Now since it is the Banned Books Week and I have chosen this book to read I have a few things to say.
How does anyone, anyone in this world feel that it is their responsibility to ban someone from reading anything? When does that person, or group of people decide they have that right? I understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but you should never force that opinion on anyone else. If you don´t like reading something than don´t read it. But don´t ever assume that what you think inside your own head should be the general opinion.
Let´s continue:
After I finished Looking for Alaska I continued with the Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas. I am almost finished with the book and let me tell you, this series is absolutely brilliant. From the whole world building that continues throughout the whole series to the characters and magic and mystery. This series has everything. What I love he most is that there is no love triangle. You know who is in love with who and , as I said a few times before, the romance in this book does not control the whole plot. It is not the center of the book. Sometimes it´s sad to read a book that has potential and has a great plot but the romance, or a love triangle takes over everything and than you lose interest in the character and in the whole freaking thing to be honest. It is refreshing to see such strong characters that don´t dwell on the question: ˝Who to love? ˝
Throne of Glass series is simply amazing and I can´t wait to finish Heir of Fire so I could write the review and talk about it with you guys.

The next book I will read , probably this weekend after I finish HoF , is going to be a book that I was sent to read and review and it is ˝Arrival˝ which is the first book in the ˝From the Sky ˝ trilogy by
David McGowan.It is an alien invasion science fiction story, set in northern
And I love alien invasion stories so I do hope that this book meets my expectations.
So yeah. That is all for the this ˝Friday Reads˝ here on Confessions of A Bookworm. If you took the time and actually read all of the above let me know in the comments what are you reading for the weekend.
All the books that I just talked about are available in my aStore , since I am in the Amazon affiliate program I would like to ask you to consider ordering books from my store since I get a small commission for it.
Amazon Store
Happy reading awesome bookworms <3
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