Book Review: Iron King ( Iron Fey series ) by Julie Kagawa

Meghan Chase is a normal girl who is two days away from her 16. birthday. She lives with her mother , her stepfather Luke . Her mother married Luke sometime after her father disappeared. From that marriage came Ethan , her half brother who Meghan loves very much.
She goes to school and has problems like any other normal teenager would have. Her best friend is named Robbie and he has been with her since as long as she remembers. He calls her ˝princess˝all the time, and he is sort of a prankster, but would do anything for her.
On the day of her 16th birthday everything changes. Weird things start to happen, her brother has been kidnapped and she learns that faeries and monsters are real and not just part of stories. And then her adventure begins...
˝Iron King ˝ is the first book in the Iron Fey series written by Julie Kagawa. It is a young adult fantasy/romance novel. This is probably the best book with faeries I have ever read. I love the fact that the characters are from the Shakespeare´s A Midsummer Night´s Dream .
First thing , before you start reading this book, is to cast aside all of your knowledge about fairies. The fey in this story bargains, makes deals and helps you only when they have some use for it. These are not your Tinkerbell type of fairies. I actually imagined them to look like the elves from LOTR. Some of them are good and some of them are bad. But if you make a deal will them they will see that the deal is fulfilled.
Meghan Chase:
A normal girl with a normal life. On her 16th birthday strange things start to happen and she finds out that there is more to her than she ever thought was possible. She is the daughter of the faery king Oberon, so that makes her half human and half faery. She goes on a mission with Puck, Ash and Grimalkin to save her brother who was kidnapped by the Iron Fey.
Robin / Puck Goodfellow :
He is Meghan´s best friend in the human world , but he was sent from the Summer court to protect her and keep her away from the Fey world.He is one of the heroes of the story. I think he feels more about Meghan than she does for him.
He is one of my favorite characters, he is funny, and sarcastic and I loved the way he protects Meghan. He is just an awesome character.
Prince Ash:
He is the youngest son of queen Mab of the Winter court. He was sent by his mother to catch Meghan and to bring her to the court so she can use her as a weapon against Oberon. He makes a deal with Meghan that he will help her save her brother and defeat the Iron King but after that she has to come with him to the Winter court. On their journey through the Nevernever he falls in love with Meghan.
I really did not like him in the beginning . He was pretty emotionless and somewhat cruel, but by the end of the book I fell in love with him . Not to mention the fact that he is beautiful ;)
As he said: ˝I am a cat. ˝
Grimalkin i s a talking cat that Meghan meets when she ends up, after being chased by a wild hunt , on a tree in Nevernever. He helps the group a lot during their journey. I kind of see him as Yoda or Gandalf. He is wise and smart but also sarcastic. He can be funny. And I loved how he sort of makes fun of Meghan for not knowing anything about the Fey world.
As I already said, I loved the story, I loved the writing style and the world building. I am impressed how well Kagawa described the world of Nevernever and all the characters and the scenes in the book. To me , writing style is important. I feel that a bad writing style can ruin a good story. And Kagawa is an awesome writer. She made you feel like you were there.
The story is so interesting and unique to me because I haven´t read that many fairy books. The villain was awesome, although I fell like there is more to that story than we can see in this first book. I think that the Iron King was just one of the villains , but hopefully I´ll see that in the sequel.
I loved the romance in this book. Now if you know me at all you know I love a good romantic back story. I don´t really like it when the romance takes over, and I was really happy to see how well romance was done in this book.
In conclusion, this book is fast paced, interesting, with a well build story and amazing characters. If you haven´t read it yet I definitely suggest you do it soon because you won´t regret it. The only thing I regret about getting into this story is the fact that I haven´t done it sooner .
MY RATING: 10/10
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