
October Book Releases

So October is a day away and I´m going to list some of the books that are coming out, the ones I´m looking forward to the most. The Young...

Friday Reads

So this is the second ˝Friday Reads˝ on this blog. I honestly don´t know who started this but I like the idea so I thought to myself ˝Why n...

Celebrate The Freedom To Read

From September 21 to 27 we celebrate Banned Books Week. We celebrate our freedom to read and our freedom to choose what we want to read...

Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan

Though the Greek and Roman crewmembers of the Argo II have made progress in their many quests, they still seem no closer to defeating ...

Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

 NEW RELEASE:  September 2nd 2014.   Lost and broken, Celaena Sardothien’s only thought is to avenge the savage death of her deare...

Havoc´s Cry by Loren Weaver

Goodreads: The only living Sorceress, Victoria Novak, finally earned a peaceful, normal life. But with one howl on a full moon, her wh...
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